Learn diversity and democracy skills and pass them on to children and young people so that they are equipped to face the challenges of living together in diversity.
In the 4-module practical course, 12 educators are trained as multipliers. They first acquire methodological competence in philosophical conversation (P4C) as well as application-oriented tools for professional practice. Subsequently, they are accompanied and supported for about two years in the implementation and institutionalization of the method. Finally, the effects of the pilot project with regard to diversity, conflict and democracy competence as well as the potential for learning to live together in diversity will be evaluated.

The second of a total of 4 continuing education modules of the “docken werkstatt. zusammenleben lernen” will again take place on November 5 and 6 in Dornbirn (Postgarage), Vorarlberg. After successful implementation of practical exercises and hospitations, the certificate will be awarded at the end of February 2022.
Europify was entrusted with the implementation of this pilot practical training course by “okay.zusammen leben”.
MMore info about the pilot project “okay. zusammenleben” . And here: “docken werkstatt“
Participation is free of charge for educators.
This project is 100% funded by the state of Vorarlberg.