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Citizenship Europa

Successful Europify Workshop Series “Europe/ EU/ EP” & Students’ Debate on the “Future of Europe

What does ‘Europe’ mean to me? – When do I feel ‘European’? – And how do I imagine the future of Europe? Innovative, participative European education, which meets young citizens at eye level in an appreciative way and really lets them have their say! – The creative-critical and innovative-visionary ideas, suggestions and contributions of the young people are discussed in self-organized events with members of the European Parliament as well as fed into the “Conference on the Future of Europe”. Europify empowers our young citizens for active European citizenship and ensures that their voices are heard.

“The future may have a past, but it actually starts now…!” is how you could sum up the motto of our “Europe” workshops, which we are holding digitally rather than on site at schools as planned. – Anyway, Corona makes you inventive, but also encourages you to think and reflect together. In other words, good teaching can make many connections to the reality of life right now.

With innovative methods and unconventional approaches, we get to the bottom of “Europe” in our interactive workshops and think critically about the “Future of Europe” together with young people (15-19). We listen to the young citizens and pass on their wishes, fears and expectations. In doing so, we want to encourage and empower them – especially in these difficult times of crisis – to become active European citizens.

The following schools are currently active in these workshops sponsored by the European Parliament: BRG Eisenstadt, HTL Traun, BHAK Weiz, GRG21 Ödenburgerstraße, BRG Weiz, GRG3 Hagenmüllergasse, GRG7 Kandlgasse, BRG Graz, GRG9 Glasergasse, HTL Wien 10 Ettenreichgasse

Thank you to all dedicated teachers and principals for your flexibility and cooperation!!!

… and in the winter semester 2021/22 we will continue with the second part, the student debates and events, and bring the ideas and perceptions of the young citizens into the “Conference on the Future of Europe”.

Coverage of our school workshops:

Workshop: Europify